About Us

Story of Nadī

Nadī / नदी” (river) embodies the spirit of adventure in our culture. It symbolizes the untamed river carving through rugged mountains, shaping civilizations, and the pulsating life force coursing through your veins. Few words have the power to ignite the thrill of Nepal and its people like “Nadī..

Originating from ancient Sanskrit, Nadī signifies the dynamic channels in your body where the life energy, or "prana," surges through. So, when envisioning a business that celebrates the daring spirit of humanity, indigenous cultures, the majestic Himalayan landscapes, and the vibrant civilizations thriving along the riverbanks of mighty rivers, it was only fitting to name it after the very heartbeat that propels energy through all of us.

Welcome to Nadī – where adventure knows no bounds.

Who are we?

Based in New Zealand and Nepal, we are a carbon-conscious company deeply rooted in storytelling and connecting with indigenous cultures. Our guides and leaders epitomise professionalism, staying on the cutting edge to provide the best possible service. We are dedicated to helping you navigate the cultural landscape of the Himalayas authentically and with transparent, open communication.

Moreover, we believe in reciprocity, valuing the exchange of knowledge and experiences—we're as eager to learn from you as we are to share our expertise.

Here at Nadī, we prioritize safety, transparency, and creating engaging, awe-inspiring experiences for our guests. Our team leverages operational expertise from New Zealand and knowledge exchange with Nepal to achieve this.

What makes us different?

Nepal is far more than just prayer flags and towering peaks. This captivating country is brimming with diverse indigenous cultures, untold stories, and delectable cuisine – offering a wealth of experiences beyond comparison.

At Nadī, we craft journeys that dive into the heart of these very cultures. Our trips are woven around local narratives and traditions, offering a unique perspective into the Nepali way of life. It's more than a holiday – it's a transformative learning experience. We provide opportunities for our guests to fully immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Himalayan culture, all while surrounded by awe-inspiring landscapes.

Our Storytelling

The Himalayas are far more than just geological marvels. We venture deeper, exploring what these mountains truly mean to the people who call them home. Hear tales of the gods who still live there, according to local belief, and witness the deep reverence locals hold for their deities. We also pay tribute to the unsuccessful expeditions that attempted to be the first to conquer these giants.

At Nadī, we believe that our role goes beyond mere narration. We actively facilitate open conversations with local communities, ensuring you hear these stories firsthand, from the local’s perspective. Our guides are always actively learning these stories and bringing indigenous voices to light. Our highly knowledgeable team relies on this deep understanding to curate truly enriching experiences. We're here to take you on a life-changing journey, woven with stories that have endured even longer than the mountains themselves.

Our Experience

“Mountains are not fair or unfair, they are just dangerous.” - Reinhold Messner

Even climbing legend Reinhold Messner wouldn't argue – the Himalayas are a formidable terrain. That's why at Nadī, we only work with the best. While we can't be superheroes and whisk you away in times of trouble, our guides excel at avoiding situations where superpowers might be needed! They're highly experienced, with a deep understanding of the region. They're not only skilled at risk assessment but also excellent communicators.

Safety and clear communication are our priorities. Our guides are fluent in multiple languages, including English, ensuring you feel confident and understood throughout your journey. We keep things transparent so that you never feel lost - neither physically nor in translation!

What makes us different?

Other Experiences

  • Fastpacking in Nepal

    Fastpacking is the best of both trail running and trekking - in the mighty backdrop of the Himalayas.

    Nadī guides are an experienced team of people who understand the runners high. Join us for a challenge that knows no boundary.

    Do it as an adventure, or as part of a training for your next big race. Bring mates from your local running club, or just come and join us yourself - we’ve got it covered.

  • Cycling Expeditions

    While our rural roads are not the smoothest, cycling these gives an opportunity to explore the country in a unique way. Our cycle tours range from a very short weekend around the capital to one of the highest roads that anyone has ever cycled in.

    From Grade 1 to Grade GNARL - we know it all.

  • Cultural Experience in Nepal

    From spices, local brew, to the finest Himalayan cheese - we’ve got it all under control. Our guides know the best spots in the country where you can try cuisines that few people outside of the region have ever tried. With over 60 ethnic groups living in the country, we offer adventures centred around food and happy bellies.

    We promise - we will also teach you how to cook like us so you can take the flavours home!

Our Flagship Nepal Tours

Koshi Experience

Embark on a 18-day journey through the enchanting eastern region of Nepal, following a tributary of the mighty Koshi River. Our journey begins with a spiritual blessing at Janakpur Dham, the mythical palace of the Hindu goddess Sita. Delve into one of Nepal's least-visited conservation areas, teeming with biodiversity, before making your way towards the Himalayas, the world's highest mountain range.

This immersive experience is perfect for those seeking a multifaceted exploration of Nepali culture. Indulge in delicious regional cuisine, immerse yourself in vibrant traditions, and gain a profound understanding of the region's rich cultural tapestry. Prepare to be captivated by the true essence of Nepal's cultural diversity.

Gandaki Experience

This 17-day adventure delves into the heart of Himalaya’s most diverse section. Your journey will take you through villages nestled on the far side of the Himalayas (literally on the Tibetian Plateau), navigating the world's deepest gorge along the way. Experience the legendary Gurung hospitality and eventually make your way to Southern Nepal, where we experience life in Tharu communities thriving alongside the region's wildest national park.

This multifaceted cultural exploration goes beyond just enjoying breathtaking scenery. Immerse yourself in the unique cuisine, traditions, and camaraderie of the people who call these rugged landscapes home. Witness how the very mountains and rivers that divide them also forge a powerful sense of connection, weaving a truly unique tapestry.

Unsure what do you want to do?

Book a free 30-minute consultation with our adventure leaders who will help you figure out your adventure and cater to your needs.

The Himalaya is a great devatatma, a great spiritual presence, stretching from the west to the eastern sea like a measuring rod to gauge the worlds

-The Bhagwat Geeta 5000BC