Sustainability at Nadī

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."-

Robert Swan, the British explorer.

The Looming Threat 

The Urgency: Climate Change

As ICIMOD's report reveals, reaching the 1.5-degree Celsius target for global warming might already be too late. Here is the link to their #saveoursnow campaign where they have highlighted the Himalayan issues because of climate change.

While a vision for sustainability exists in the tourism industry, concrete action often falls short.

Nadī: A Different Approach

At Nadī, we're eager for change. We believe that waiting for others to act is no longer an option. Taking inspiration from the DIY spirit, we've built a company focused on doing things better. We want to share the beauty of the Himalayas while minimizing the environmental impact of our adventures, ensuring these landscapes remain pristine for future generations to enjoy and get inspired from.

Here is what we do to reduce our impact on the very environment we operate in.

1. Plastic-Free Experiences

Who knew a trek could be plastic-free? We did! We use water filters to eliminate bottled water and discourage single-use plastic packaging. We even provide snacks without plastic wrappers. These are just a few things you will see- but our commitment to reducing plastic from our industry and the environment goes beyond. Nadī also advocates a lot in the space of environmental protection and conservation.

2. Sustainable Food Philosophy

Flying freshly baked croissants to Everest isn't sustainable unlike some companies think it is. Here at Nadī, we believe in fresh, local cuisine. Your food will come from local sources, allowing you to experience authentic flavors and supporting local communities. In remote areas where food isn’t produced as much we help our clients pick the menu with the least amount of carbon footprint and which doesn’t result in more waste than required.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We embrace the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" mantra. Instead of single-use gear, we invest in high-quality, well-maintained equipment, minimizing waste and extending lifespan.

4. Education for Change

By choosing Nadī, you contribute to a more sustainable tourism model in the Himalayas. We don't just do things differently; we encourage others to follow our methods. We train our guides on best environmental practices, empowering them to protect their livelihood – the mountains. We eventually aim to establish a way to train other people in the industry and guides to teach them how to do things more responsibly.

5. Empowering Local Communities

People are the key to positive environmental change. Local communities need to believe in sustainability. We actively collaborate with local businesses, encouraging them to adopt sustainable practices and providing them with resources to build better models. We believe climate change is a global challenge that demands a collective effort.

Our Commitment Continues

Nadī is developing a framework to become a planetary boundary-conscious net-zero carbon tourism business in the Himalayas. Once complete, the model will be publicly available. Stay tuned to our website, social media, and newsletter for updates on our journey towards a sustainable future.

We also dream that one day we will be able to help others on how they can do things better. We are not here to promote what we do for profit but to change the attitude of businesses, stakeholders, and travelers toward the environment. We believe the Himalayas must remain there for future generations to enjoy- for this, we all need to do our part. Join us and travel responsibly!!

Other Values We Uphold

Our Flagship Nepal Tours

Koshi Experience

Embark on a 18-day journey through the enchanting eastern region of Nepal, following a tributary of the mighty Koshi River. Our journey begins with a spiritual blessing at Janakpur Dham, the mythical palace of the Hindu goddess Sita. Delve into one of Nepal's least-visited conservation areas, teeming with biodiversity, before making your way towards the Himalayas, the world's highest mountain range.

This immersive experience is perfect for those seeking a multifaceted exploration of Nepali culture. Indulge in delicious regional cuisine, immerse yourself in vibrant traditions, and gain a profound understanding of the region's rich cultural tapestry. Prepare to be captivated by the true essence of Nepal's cultural diversity.

Gandaki Experience

This 17-day adventure delves into the heart of Himalaya’s most diverse section. Your journey will take you through villages nestled on the far side of the Himalayas (literally on the Tibetian Plateau), navigating the world's deepest gorge along the way. Experience the legendary Gurung hospitality and eventually make your way to Southern Nepal, where we experience life in Tharu communities thriving alongside the region's wildest national park.

This multifaceted cultural exploration goes beyond just enjoying breathtaking scenery. Immerse yourself in the unique cuisine, traditions, and camaraderie of the people who call these rugged landscapes home. Witness how the very mountains and rivers that divide them also forge a powerful sense of connection, weaving a truly unique tapestry.

Unsure what do you want to do?

Book a free 30-minute consultation with our adventure leaders who will help you figure out your adventure and cater to your needs.

We Do Not Inherit the Earth from Our Ancestors; We Borrow It from Our Children