Here at Nadī, we speak the language of adventure. We firmly believe there are no limits to the ways you can explore our beautiful planet. Through our work, we're committed to keeping that spirit of adventure alive.

While trekking in the Himalayas is certainly a highlight of what we offer, it's not all we do. We've also incorporated other ways to explore this stunning Himalayan landscape.

Fastpacking Adventures

This is when trail running meeting trekking and the mighty Himalayas. We are an experienced team of runners who understand the runners high- Join us for a challenge that knows no boundary. It is not a competition- it is an ADVENTURE!!

Do it alone, do it as part of a training for your next big race or bring the mates from your local running club- we’ve got it all covered.

Cycle Touring

While our rural roads are not the smoothest- they do give us an opportunity to explore the country in a most fascinating way that you otherwise might not be able to. Our cycle tours ranges from a very short weekend around the capital to one of the highest roads that anyone have ever cycled in.

From Grade 1 to Grade GNARL - we know it all.

Food tours

Spices, local brew to the finest Himalayan Cheese- we’ve got it all under control. Our guides know the best spots in the country where you can try cuisines that only few people outside of the region have ever tried. With over 60 ethnic groups living in the country- we offer adventures centred around food and happy belly.

Promise- we will also teach you how to cook like us!!

Choose other adventures

  • Everest Base Camp Trek

    Discover the Everest Base Camp Trek, a journey akin to exploring a living mountain museum. Encounter the majestic Himalayas, home to four of the world’s highest peaks. Amidst stunning scenery, meet Himalayan Tahrs and colourful Monals. Experience unmatched Sherpa hospitality in this unforgettable adventure. Expect nothing less than a trip of a lifetime, with every moment leaving a lasting impression.

  • Annapurna Circuit

    The Annapurna Circuit Trek with Tilicho Lake is considered to be one of the most beautiful multi-day treks in Nepal, attracting trekkers from all around the world. The trek starts in Beshisahar and ends in Pokhara, offering mesmerizing views of rivers, mountains, glaciers, forests, and lakes. Along the way, trekkers will explore the wild and barren lands of Manang, encountering cultural and religious sites. With diverse ethnicities and moderately challenging trails, the trek showcases the natural beauty and cultural diversity of the Annapurna region. From scenic drives to tranquil lakes and panoramic summit views, the Annapurna Circuit is an unforgettable adventure for hikers of all levels.

  • Langtang Trek

    The Gosainkunda Langtang Trek unlocks the beauty of Nepal's Langtang National Park. Hike through dramatic gorges, serene valleys, and past towering glaciers. Immerse yourself in Buddhist culture with visits to monasteries and high-altitude villages like Kyanjin Gompa. The trek culminates at the sacred Gosainkunda Lake (4,380m), a revered pilgrimage site believed to hold mystical healing powers.

Unsure what do you want to do?

Book a free 30-minute consultation with our adventure leaders who will help you figure out your adventure and cater to your needs.

If it scares you, it may be a good thing to try.

-Seth Godin